Can you please through some light about the significance of relationship with the devotees and how important it is to have a proper relationship among devotees.
Significance Of Relationship With The Devotees
Can you please through some light about the significance of relationship with the devotees and how important it is to have a proper relationship among devotees.
Vaishnava Etiquette and Culture by Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami – Part 5
Seminar on Vaisnava Etiquette and Culture given by HH. Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami given at ISKCON Radhadesa in 1998.
Today we’ll continue with the questions. May be you have anything you feel relevant to our topic what we discussed or how to applicate these kinds of things that would make anything more useful or you have some ideas you would like to perceive with that.
Vaishnava Etiquette and Culture by Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami – Part 4
Seminar on Vaisnava Etiquette and Culture given by HH. Bhaktividya Purna Swami given at ISKCON Radhadesa in 1998.
So we just ended yesterday with the discussion that we want to apply some aspects of the Vedic culture. Then we should actually look into what are the aspects surrounding it or the situation which it is applied and then all the various elements that are there that were included. So then you get a complete picture.That may mean we have to do some research or discussion on these side areas, just like yesterday’s discussion was about engagements.
Vaishnava Etiquette and Culture by Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami – Part 3
Seminar on Vaisnava Etiquette and Culture given by HH. Bhaktividya Purna Swami given at ISKCON Radhadesa in 1998.
So basically if we want to look at applying these principles, we should study very nicely what Krishna is advising in the Bhagavat-Gita, that of being able to do work in the proper mood. Basically that is the essential point. It’s not so much what you’re doing but in what’s your mood in which you’re doing it. Of course there are certain prescribed activities that Krishna has chosen that this is the best sphere of activities to do that. So if one can do proper activities in the proper mood, then this is pleasing to Krishna. So this idea to understand is very important.
Vaishnava Etiquette and Culture by Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami – Part 2
Seminar on Vaisnava Etiquette and Culture given by HH. Bhaktividya Purna Swami given at ISKCON Radhadesa in 1998.
Vaishnava Etiquette and Culture by Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami – Part 1
Seminar on Vaisnava Etiquette and Culture given by HH. Bhaktividya Purna Swami given at ISKCON Radhadesa in 1998.
Understanding the principles, then details become clear.
So basically what we would like to discuss, with the blessings from the assembled devotees and Maharaja, is that in approaching or understanding the Sadhana or the culture of Krishna consciousness there’s some basic philosophical points on which it’s all based and by understanding those then the rest of it becomes quite easy. If one understands the principles, then the details underlining those principles become clear and very practical, because otherwise we get caught up in details and we think that the details is the important element. Details of course are important. (more…)
Learning the Etiquettes of a Devotee by Romapada Swami
Q. What is the significance of wearing Tulasi and tilok? Why should one fast in Caturmasya? Why do men wear shikas? Why should one offer food before eating it? [Editor's Note: Caturmasya is the four months of rain, from July to October]
Tulasi and Tilok: The way we dress ourselves has an influence on our consciousness. This is one of the reasons for wearing tulasi beads and tilok. For example, the meditation in wearing tilok is that one is marking one's body as the temple of God. So the devotee considers their body and the body of all others beings as a temple where God resides. We try to maintain that conception in all our activities. The tilok and tulasi neck beads remind of that fact, and those who see the devotee marked in this way are also reminded similarly. (more…)
Why are animals not allowed in the temple? by Romapada Swami
Q. It is said that animals should not be allowed in the temple. Do they not have souls? By going in the temple will they not get the blessings of Krishna? What really makes us different from them? How come we don't stop meat-eaters from coming into the temple? They too are considered to be like animals. I think this philosophy is wrong. On the one hand we say that one should not kill animals because we are all the same, everyone has a soul. But on the other hand the animals are not allowed to come into God's house. It is difficult to understand that we should treat them with respect and we should not harm or kill any living creatures, however animals are not allowed into the temple. Please explain.